November 19, 2023

How Pharma Snaks™ and Omnichannel marketing work together to connect HCPs to your Brandv

Omnichannel marketing isn’t a new concept. It’s simply the combination of many channels of marketing. Instead of one specific channel (e.g., online or offline), marketers are now thinking about how to combine a variety of different channels to reach customers in the most convenient way possible so they can have an optimal customer experience at every touch point.

Omnichannel marketing isn’t a new concept. It’s simply the combination of many channels of marketing. Instead of one specific channel (e.g., online or offline), marketers are now thinking about how to combine a variety of different channels to reach customers in the most convenient way possible so they can have an optimal customer experience at every touch point. If you haven’t noticed by now, consumers are using all types of devices to meet their needs and wants. Consumers want everything faster, easier, and cheaper—and they get that by going where they find value. According to a recently published eMarketer report, 66% of adults shop digitally across multiple devices on regular basis; 49% use three or more devices for this purpose on a weekly basis; and 23% do so on a daily basis. With such a proliferation of devices and channel preferences one could therefore assume that the content itself should also offer choice with an omni-content delivery approach - we call this Snak™Marketing and is designed to tap into this need as well as deliver content in just the right quantity to keep engagement.

What is a Pharma Snak™?

A Pharma Snak™ is a snack-sized micro-content piece that’s designed to be consumed in just a few seconds, helping your brand stay top-of-mind with HCPs in their everyday lives. Pharma Snaks™ are one of the best ways to keep your brand relevant and fresh in your customers’ minds. An example of a Pharma Snak™ is an introductory piece of content designed to generate top-of-funnel awareness for a new study conducted that outlines the proven benefits of prescribing your brand's product for the treatment of a specific disease indication. There are many more examples for viewing on:

How Pharma Snaks™ and Omnichannel Marketing Work Together

Pharma Snaks™ are great supplements to any omnichannel marketing strategy, as they can be used to enhance the customer experience through any channel. There are a variety of different ways Pharma Snaks™ can be used to enhance your channel strategy and customer experience.

Here are some examples:

Website/Affiliate Portals

Pharma Snaks™ can be used to enhance your website by providing extra content or interactive features that can help HCPs make more informed decisions about your brand

Email / Whatsapp/Telegram

Email is still one of the most popular channels for marketing, and Pharma Snaks™ can be used to enhance this experience. Send regular value-adding emails with embedded Snaks™ to HCPs that are relevant to their needs and interests.

Social media / Medscape / Sermo

Pharma Snaks™ can be used in all social media channels. Use them to show KOL content, personalize webinar recordings, or provide helpful information that’s relevant to your brand.

OTC / In-store

Using an established offline presence, like a brick-and-mortar store, Pharma Snaks™ can be used to enhance this channel as well. Display information and product samples in-store, and use digital tools to make the experience more engaging and interactive.

Why You Should be Using Pharma Snaks™ in Your Marketing

There are many benefits to using Pharma Snaks™ in your marketing strategy.

Here are a few of the top ones:

Better content, leads to better data to build better content and increase HCP value

Pharma Snaks™ allows for rapid repurposing of existing or new content and always keep the context and customer experience in mind while HCPs view content. This means you can expect to see better quality content that’s more personalized and provide more rich data regarding content/topic preferences.

Improved customer experience

A better customer experience means greater HCP satisfaction, which directly impacts the success your brand sees attributed to prescription behavior.

How to Leverage the Power of Omnichannel Marketing and Pharma Snaks™ Together

There are many ways you can use Pharma Snaks™ and an omnichannel marketing strategy together.

Here are a few suggestions:

Use Pharma Snaks™ to supplement your existing marketing efforts.

Pharma Snaks™ can be used to supplement your current marketing efforts and provide more value to HCPs in the areas they visit most often, like their email inbox which has historically been filled with unengaging messaging.

Use Pharma Snaks™ as a tool to supplement your brand.

Pharma Snaks™ can be used as a tool to supplement your product or service and provide customers with more information that is relevant to their needs and interests.

Use Pharma Snaks™ to support your brand launch or additional awarded indications for a specific product.

Pharma Snaks™ can be used to support your product launch and provide HCPs with helpful content that is relevant to their needs and interests.


All in all, Pharma Snaks™ have the power to take your brand from a one-dimensional thought to a multi-dimensional campaign. You can use Pharma Snaks™ to enhance your current marketing channels, drive more traffic to existing platforms, and provide HCPs with more value and a better experience overall. If you want to stay relevant and be the first brand that comes to mind when customers think about your product or service, you need to be thinking about how to use Pharma Snaks™ in your marketing strategy.

Whereas most online content is limited to posting videos, pre-recorded presentations, or other linear media, which is designed to be presented sequentially, Snakker™ is designed for interaction. Whether posing fun multiple choice questions or asking for customer feedback, adding sophisticated Cues™ to your Snak allows you to engage directly with your audience.

Rather than dictating their interactions or attempting to control the customer journey, Snaks™ gives the consumer control over their journey. They can explore the information that is of interest in a way that they are capable of consuming it — video, podcast, article, whatever they want.

With HCPs’ preferences so variable and changeable, pharma companies need clear, up-to-date information to gear messages to each physician’s needs and concerns. This is achievable through the specific Cues™ you inserted. The participant’s freedom of choice provides you access to valuable qualitative information allowing you to see where they started reading and how they decided to view the material. This information is invaluable, allowing you to optimize your marketing efforts and provide consistent content personalized and relevant to your customers.

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Content creation is made relevant, fast and cost effectively with Snakker™ in addition to a host of spin-off benefits to organizational, medical and brand communication possibilities:
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